Automate the Issuance of Employment and Income Information

Save Your HR valuable time & money in dealing with your employee's information requests

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132 user rating

Tired of Dealing With 3rd Party Requests Looking To Verify Your Employees Income & Employment Information?

Give Your Employees Control Over Their Data

Allow your employees to access their verified information and share it with anyone they want, whenever they want to

Improve your HR's workflow and save 12+ hours every week

Your HR is wasting time and energy answering verification requests. We helped organizations save a total of 179,500 hours last year. That's time your HR can reinvest in things that matter

Fully Automate FCRA and Other Compliance

Simplify compliance for over 50 regulations concerning employee

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) logo/graphic

Verification Issuance Made Easy

15-min onboarding
Never deal with a verification request again
No compliance related costs
Custom templates for verification documents
Give your employees control over their information
Integrate with 500+ applications and databases

Integrate with your favourite platforms

Connect TransCrypts to Google drive, Slack, Dropbox and over 100+ other tools that help you manage your social media better. No more juggling between apps to look for information.

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